Last updated: October 5, 2021

For those looking for an ingredient that truly works to combat acne, you may be better off tossing those synthetic drugstore creams, and turning instead to the natural acne-fighting power of vitamin C.

It is typically found in the form of L-ascorbate or ascorbic acid for skincare products, is a powerful antioxidant that works to keep your skin healthy and beautiful.

Because vitamin C is water-soluble this vital nutrient easily passed through the human body if it is only ingested as part of our diets.

With a topical treatment, on the other hand, you can reap the true acne fighting and rejuvenating potential of this substance by applying it directly to the source of your skin’s problem areas.


Because our bodies do not have a place to store any excess Vitamin C, it is imperative that it is consumed or applied frequently to avoid any deficiency.

Fighting spots with Vitamin C acne scars treatments yields positive results when properly applied. In order to experience the maximum benefits from Vitamin C acne treatments, it is advised to utilize topical solutions like best Vitamin C serum for acne scars on a regular basis.

In addition, many formulas combine the antioxidant power of Vitamin C with that of Vitamin E, because these two powerhouse ingredients have been shown to be a powerful combination when it comes to reducing and preventing spots.

How Does it Work?

Vitamin C serum works by boosting your immune system and helping your skin to fight infections and repair damaged cells.

It also helps to produce collagen, a primary protein structure that gives the skin its rigidity and elasticity.

More on this later…

When insufficient levels of ascorbic acid persist, collagen is not produced as quickly—a necessary aspect of spots prevention—making blemishes harder to heal. obagi bottleGenerally, increasing the dosage of ascorbic acid will enhance the skin’s ability to recover from inflammatory incidents, as well as improve the overall tone and smoothness of your skin, and prevent it from becoming too oily or dry.

Because collagen depletes over time, it is critical to apply topical ointments such as our best Vitamin C creams for your face (see right) to nourish and replenish the skin.

Spots is a form of oxidative stress, an imbalance that is able to be neutralized with the right antioxidants. This is because antioxidants rely on substantial nutrients such as Vitamin C, but without enough, the skin loses its ability to fend off damage, inflammatory breakouts, and redness.

Oxidative stress is caused by free radicals, or unstable atoms that are the root of the problem, which can be subdued when ensuring the body is receiving enough ascorbic acid. When specifically dealing with spots, depending on the levels of vitamins in your body, the number of antioxidants needed to counteract the radicals will vary.

One thing is for certain, Vitamin C Serum is one of the most effective natural ways to treat and fade acne scars.

If you are looking for more information in regards the best vitamin C serums then you can go to our main reviews page to see more.

The Anti-Acne Antioxidant

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The oilier your skin is, the more antioxidants your body requires to protect it, thereby heightening the chances that you may have a deficiency; ultimately, this results in further oxidative stress and pore blockage.

Increasing the levels of Vitamin C and the skin will help ensure that your pores will remain clear. Because some skin types are destined to have high oil (sebum) production, this makes them naturally prone to acne; however, with proper Vitamin C scar treatment, it can be prevented and reduced if the Vit C intake is greater than the sebum secretion.

The more ascorbic acid you’re able to absorb into your bloodstream, the more your body will be able to combat the oxidative effects of free radicals that contribute to spots.

In combination with Vitamin E, both are able to better protect against these oxidative stresses which cause excessive sebum production that clogs your pores.

In this manner, Vitamin C is able to help in acne prevention because as it is absorbed, the outer layer of skin (epidermis) becomes saturated with antioxidants thereby cutting off any chain reactions from radicals before they spread through the tissues.

In addition to the acne fighting potential of vitamin C itself, most serums offer additional ingredients in their formulas that support healthy and blemish-free skin.

For example, many C serums also include Hyaluronic Acid—an ingredient that is able to deeply hydrate the skin to clean out pores without causing any additional oiliness. This both prevents and minimizes spots due to the ingredient’s cleansing power.

If you have stubborn acne scars, Hyaluronic Acid is even more beneficial because it is able to soften scar tissue to even complexion and minimize blemishes.

Other great ingredients found on vitamin C for scars also include Aloe Vera, a natural plant-based ingredient that can soothe inflammation and reduce acne-related redness.

Acne Can be Caused by Stress

Spots is not only caused by oxidative stress due to free radicals but also from mental anxiety because of built of hormones in the blood. Ascorbic acid is potent, with enough strength to clear out a majority of excess hormones.

It is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to continue to combat spots. Stress-related acne is as serious as the cellular causes because the adrenal gland in the brain secretes cortisol, the main hormone responsible for increased heart rate, pulse, and sweats.

Through topical treatments, it is possible to minimize these hormone fluctuations as it will reduce the amount of cortisol secretion, making breakouts due to anxiety less frequent.

Any abnormally high blood pressure and cortisol levels in the bloodstream are immediately counteracted when Vitamin C is present in your system because it is the default mechanism to stress. Introducing a higher content of ascorbic acid into your system on a regular via the best Vitamin C serum for acne prone skin will help prevent spikes and maintain the healing aspects of the skin for any present acne scars and blemishes.

healthy woman

What’s the Best Vitamin C Serum for Acne Scars?

The best Vitamin C serum for acne scars is Obagi as it’s ingredients are all clinically proven to help with cleansing and repair of damaged skin cells.

How does it do that? As a regenerative vitamin, it can greatly benefit those who are prone to breakouts, redness, and scarring. Vitamin C serum acne treatments have healing properties that can reduce surface blemishes with direct application to the skin.

The ascorbic acid is able to send an inflammatory chemical response, known as leukotrienes, that dissuades the swelling and blotchiness of the skin, by destroying the bacteria. Proper application of a recommended Vitamin C serum for acne scars will greatly reduce their appearance.

Be sure to stop by our store and take a look at all the topical Vitamin C acne treatments we offer. (1)

How Can It Help the Skin?

  • Promote collagen production
  • Protects your skin from sun damage
  • Clears the discolorations under your eyes
  • Improves healing
  • Improves skin discoloration
  • Makes your skin look younger
  • Improves hydration and moisture in your skin
  • Creates healthier skin
  • Reduces inflammation

What Causes the Acne?


Acne is caused by a bacterium that triggers increased sebum (or oil) production that clogs up skin pores leading to infections.

Propionibacterium acne is naturally found bacteria in the pores of the skin near the hair follicles. This bacterium isn’t harmful in itself, but it fuels the sebum or oil produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin and can clog the pores, allowing bacteria to continue to grow uncontrollably.

The bacteria that grows exponentially are considered bad strains of the acne bacterium, and are due to the high oil production that is directly tied to a deficiency in Vitamin C. As the increasing acne bacterium expands in the pores of the skin, due to the rampaging radicals, the antioxidants necessary to resist increases as well, meaning more ascorbic acid needs to be introduced into the body.

These bacteria also secrete a protein called RoxP, a helpful protein that protects against the oxidative stress, or damage to the skin’s cells—a factor reliant on how well the skin may recover from acne scarring and/or blemishes.

Though protective, these bacteria also are the main cause for the acne bacterium’s continual life within the pores. Supplying the body with ample amounts of ascorbic acid solutions can help fight against the body’s need to secrete this protective protein, thus lessening the chances bad strains can grow. 

How Often Should I Use it?

You should use Vitamin C serum once or twice a day depending on how severe your usual acne breakouts are. Unless you have some sort of reaction to the serum, twice a day will help you see all of vitamin C serum’s advantages.

Furthermore, it is also proven to help reduce inflammatory acne formations/scarring. Ascorbic acid in substantial amounts can prevent spots breakouts because of its healing effects, as it is a primary nutrient that improves cellular structures throughout the body, not exclusive to only acne.

Regardless of the measured levels of Vitamin C in your body, it’s advised that lotions, ointments, and our best serums be applied directly to the skin to see the full benefits. Spots prevention can be sustained if application is kept on a frequent schedule as the vitamin is diffused easily within the outer cells of the skin.

If you’re suffering from persistent spots or stubborn acne scars, try our top-rated vitamin C for acne scars serum to see how this natural treatment can give you smooth and healthy skin, regardless of your skin type.